The Top Toxins

Sure, you know about parabens and that cute Leaping Bunny, but did you ever wonder what those multi-syllabic, hyphenated, and alpha-numerical chemicals on the back of the ingredient label really were? While some are totally benign but carry very complicated names, others are actually potentially harmful chemicals discreetly printed on the label of cosmetics and toiletries. And since most of us don’t have a PhD in biochemistry, we thought this list would be a helpful place to share some of the most prevalent and concerning chemicals commonly found in personal products. For more information on cosmetic ingredient safety and many more chemicals, check out the Environmental Working Group’s Skindeep database.

• 1,4-Dioxane – This is a petroleum-derived contaminant that gets created during the process of making shampoo, body wash, children’s bath products and other sudsing chemicals. Early studies linked it to cancer in animal testing.

BHT and BHA – These are synthetic, antioxidant preservatives used in thousands of toiletry and make up products. They are linked to endocrine disruption (lungs, liver, kidney and thyroid) and cancer. Check your food labels…it’s also a preservative in many packaged foods as well.

DEA, TEA and MEA – These mysterious acronyms are known as “nitrosamines,” which are toxic ammonia compounds that are linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, neurotoxicity and developmental toxicity. The UK’s Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform says nitrosamines are more toxic in more animal species than any other category of chemical carcinogen. They are not always listed on the label either, because they sometimes come to be during the chemical reaction of nitrates and amino acids from other ingredients.

Formaldehyde – You may not be dead yet but that doesn’t mean cosmetic and toiletry companies can’t help begin preserving you. Aside from embalming you, formaldehyde is well-known carcinogen. It’s also listed as “formaldehyde resin” in nail polish.

Fragrance – This catch-all term contains chemicals used to hold color and scents in products. Most fragrance is artificial and can contain unknown and untested chemicals. It is also a great place for companies to hide other chemicals, because the FDA allows fragrance to be protected as “trade secret” ingredients; therefore manufacturers do not have to disclose the ingredients/ formula. Synthetic fragrance (also called “musk” or “aroma”) is linked to organ toxicity, endocrine disruption and immunotoxicity.

Lead and Heavy Metals – Remember when you learned about how aristocrats went crazy from having lead in their makeup? We are still consuming lead in our make up today—crazy, right?! (Pun intended.) Lead and other heavy metals are found in lipstick, toothpaste, nail polish, concealer, blush, eye shadow, sunscreen and even eye drops. Check out the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics details on heavy metals and how to avoid them.

Hydroquinone – This bad lad is used to bleach the skin and lighten dark or age spots (hyperpigmentation). It also has mutagenic properties, speeds up aging and created tumors in mice during lab tests. Sounds like instead of restoring youth, it will turn you an old, crusty Ninja Turtle!

Oxides (Ethylene Glycol & Propylene Glycol) – These chemicals are found in many products, including deodorant, cream based cosmetics and even antifreeze. Keep your engine from overheating and slap some lotion on your body with our friends, the Oxides! They are usually listed as PEG-[a number] or PPG-[a number].

Parabens – A carcinogenic preservative often found in human breast cancer tissue. Look for Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben and Isobutylparaben. It is also linked to human hormone or endocrine disruption. For a great breakdown on Parabens, check out this from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.

Phthalates (DBP, DEP) – These little terrors are linked to birth defects and organ damage, which is why they have been banned in baby and children’s toys. You can run, but you can’t hide. These chemicals are found in everything from nail polish to face wash and even some baby care products.

Retinyl Palmitate – Wait a minute! Isn’t that Vitamin A, and isn’t that good for your skin? Yes, it is BUT not when applied to the skin and when that skin comes in contact with the sun. In fact, studies have shown that Vit. A can actually cause precancerous lesions on the skin when exposed to sun. The irony of the ingredient…many sunscreen products contain retinal palmitate, so be sure to double check your labels or research online before you buy. Make sure any moisturizers you may decide to use containing retinyl palmitate are applied only at night and are washed off in the morning before you go outside.

Sulfates (SLS) – These chemicals are used as sudsing agents (who doesn’t love a good hair lather?!) but the concern is they go from the skin into the heart and lungs and are linked to allergies.

Toluene – This has widely been removed from most nail polishes but is sometimes still used. It is linked to reproductive abnormalities.

Triclosan and Triclocarbon – This chemical is used in hand soaps and sanitizers because it kills bacteria. It may also kill you. One study linked it to heart disease and heart failure. When mice were exposed to it, their heart muscle function was reduced by 25% and grip strength by 18%. It decreases thyroid performance and is found in the urine of 75% of the U.S. population, which probably means it’s floating around in your body too.

Ureas – This chemical class is known to cause skin inflammation and can release or be contaminated with formaldehyde. This ingredient is found in “natural” products as well as general cosmetic brands. Also look for “DMDM Hydantoin” and “Imidazolidinyl Urea” on the label; those are synonymous names.